Name : Abibah
NIM : 2201409052
Rombel : 03
Here, in this section I would like to share my understanding about Communicative Competence… Check it out.. ^o^
Communicative Competence : A pedagogically
motivated model with content specifications
Celce-Murcia, Dőrnyei, Thurrell
Hymes (1972) defined communicative competence as the knowledge of both rules of grammar and rules of language use appropriate to a given context. Then, the conceptualization of communicative competence has been further developed by researchers such as Canale and Swain (1980) and Canale (1983), Bachman (1990) and Celce-Murcia et al. (1995), who attempted to define the specific components of the construction of communicative competence.
Celce-Murcia et al. (1995) refined the model construction by making finer distinctions in the area of sociolinguistic competence. CMDT’s Model :
1. Linguistic Competence concerns the basic elements of communication, such as sentence patterns, morphological inflections, phonological and orthographic systems, as well as lexical resources.
2. Strategic Competence concerns with the knowledge of communication strategies and how to use them.
3. Sociocultural Competence refers to the speaker’s knowledge of how to express appropriate messages within the social and cultural context of communication in which they are produced.
4. Actional Competence involves the understanding of the speakers’ communicative intent by performing and interpreting speech act sets.
5. Discourse Competence concerns the selection and sequencing of sentences to achieve a unified spoken or written text. Discourse competence is the main competence which should be achieved by the students. It covers the ability of communication both written and spoken in a communicational event, the interpersonal ability in communication and the channels used in communication. A speaker will be considered successful in participating in various communication events if he or she acquires discourse competence which is shown in the small circle of the diagram. In order to acquire discourse competence, a speaker should master the collaboration of linguistic competence, actional competence, socio-cultural competence, strategic competence and discourse supporting competence.
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